Our newly refurbished playground is now open!

Cllr Robin Ringham, Vice Chair of the Parish Council commended all those involved in the project:

 “Our sincere thanks are extended to the Friends of Roberts Recreation Ground who instigated this refurbishment and gained the support of the community for it though their tireless fund-raising activities, particularly in such difficult times.  I would also like to thank the Parish Council staff and councillors who have worked incredibly hard in the background to support this worthwhile project”.

Laura Smith, the Chair of the Friends of Roberts Recreation Ground (FoRRG), cut the ribbon to officially open the park and said:

“On behalf of the Friends of Roberts Recreation Ground we would like to thank the Parish Council and the whole local community who came together to support our fundraising bid and the FCC for the funds who made this project happen.  It was a joy to see all the smiles on the children’s faces this morning and we hope it will be enjoyed for years to come”.

Chair of the Parish Council, Cllr Laurence King added

“I would like to add thanks to local business and individuals who donated funds that enabled the application to be made to the FCC.  This valuable facility is going to make a real difference to those who use it, as well as the wider Gedling community. We are very grateful to FCC Communities Foundation for providing funding as without its support we would not have been able to proceed”. 

FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community projects through the Landfill Communities Fund.  The Parish Council with support from the FoRRG gained the maximum £100,ooo grant available.

Cheryl Raynor, FCC Communities Foundation grant manager for Nottinghamshire, said:

“It’s wonderful to see something we have funded finally open and ready to make such a difference to children and families across Burton Joyce. FCC Communities Foundation is always happy to consider grant applications for projects that benefit local communities and this is a great example of what can be achieved.”

As well as the Parish Council, key supporters of the project have been our Trent Valley Councillors Mike Adams and Sam Smith via their communities’ funds and local estate agent Lesley Greaves.

Lesley commented:

“We are proud to say we sponsored The Friends of Roberts Recreation Ground and raised a total of £2,300 to help with new equipment and enabled them to achieve the grant required. For every new instruction we had in between December 2019 & April 2020 we donated £100!! We can’t wait to see all the families enjoying the new park!”

Also present at the opening were members of the ‘Jupiter Play & Leisure’ team who have worked closely with the Parish Council in designing and installing the new elements of the playground.

The new items include a large and challenging central play unit with curved slide, a 4 seater seesaw, a trim trail, a spinner and a 4-way springer. One of the major aims was to make the park more accessible to all with the installation of new pathways and surfacing, which have totally transformed the facility.


Watch a video of the opening by clicking on this BJTV YouTube link

A bigger, formal opening is due to be held on Saturday 30th April when the hope is that we have warmer weather!!