Queen Elizabeth

The Chair’s statement on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

“It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 8th September 2022.

The Queen has been a constant presence in all our lives, setting an example and carrying out her duties on behalf of us with grace, dignity, respect and consideration for others.

 Her enduring dedication and commitment to public service remains an inspiration to all.

 It has been an extraordinary reign, and we give our thanks and condolences to the new King and the members of the Royal Family”.

For those wishing to lay flowers we have designated the War Memorial in the centre of the village as a temporary place to do this during the 10 days of mourning. This site has been chosen as it is in the centre of the village and a place of contemplation.

Messages of condolence can be sent on-line via the following link:


In the village, a book of condolence has been opened at St Helen’s church.